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Heaven done called another blues-stringer back home

We regret to tell that Phil Guy, younger brother of Buddy Guy, passed away on Wednesday, 20 August, he suffered from kidney and liver cancer. It was a great honor for us to have met him in Vienna, where we jammed and laughed the whole night through. He was such a nice and kind person and a great blues man from the old days. So Edi’s plan to visit him in Chicago in autumn unfortunately won’t come true. Here’s a little remembrance, a Jam whith Phil in the Bierwaage in April 2008.

We miss you!

Silly season

Kindergarten, movies and other things pending.

Edi is in kindergarten, David cuts a film about Bogdan Bogdanović and Jan is staring at the sea ceiling. So there will be very little going on until the end of October. We’re lucky, if we manage to study a few new songs for the next Jimi Hendrix Birthday Party. It won’t take place in the Jetzt this time – after our last concert Joe decided to do no live music anymore. Thus it’s not yet clear where it’s gonna happen, perhaps at the Bach? The only thing that’s final is the date, 27 November 2008, which might change though.


Welcome to our new homepage (at last)!

The Homepage ist now made with WordPress, which enables some new features. You see the latest news entry and the next gig on the startpage, you can post comments to every news entry, search the site, subscribe to the RSS feed and much more. Besides that, it’s now so easy to use for us, that even Edi can upload stuff and write news :-)

Then there’s a new music and video player, which allows you to listen to our noise right here from the website, an extensive gigs calendar and some new videos and live recordings.

Have fun surfing,

your Fenzl Experience.

Bierwaage Konzertreview

Auf Biker Against Drugs gibts einen Konzertreview über unseren Auftritt im großen Konzertsaal der Bierwaage.

» Enjoy

Konzertreview auf blues.at

Clever hat auf Blues.at einen Konzertreview über unser Mwanuni – Fenzl Experience – Dirty Alex Connection Marathonevent A Blues Voyage geschrieben. Ganz großes Kino :-)

» A Blues Voyage – Review auf Blues.at


Wir sind fleißig am Basteln einer neuen Homepage ;-)

News aus Spanien

!!! NEWS aus SPANIEN !!!!
Adele Fenzl nimmt in einem aufgezeichneten Telefonat Stellung zu ihrer Rückkehr nach Österreich.


hatte heut morgen tierisch durchfall.
david fenzl

Edi und die Monomania

Edi Fenzl spielt als Specialguest mit Monomania im Cafe Carina.
Josefstädterstraße 84
1080 Wien
ab 21:30

Fotos aus Baden

Es gibt Fotos von unserem Gig in Baden bei der “Red Light Party”
