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We are Masters

Allright, the recording is mixed and mastered – in an outstanding way by Chris Scheidl – and will be released under the renowned blues label styXrecords. Now we just have to count our pennies und see what cover we can afford. The cheapest version would be possible, but it’s a bit unspectacular.  Well, whatever, let’s see. Nevertheless, we are near completion and should schedule some gigs as soon as possible, to spread the creation among the people. Well, whatever, let’s see.

Happy Birthday Jimi

Fenzl Experience p(l)ays tribute to Jimi Hendrix

On Tuesday the 27th of November 2012, the day that Jimi Hendrix would have turned 70(!), we gonna celebrate his birthday for the  8th time in a row with a tribute concert, where we play only Jimi’s music. As always, we don’t focus on his hits and evergreens, but on our own favorite songs (as far as we’re able  to play them). After we had the party at the Jetzt and the Bach before, we’ll be performing at the Soulveranda this time, where they got a new heavy sound system recently, the boss is friendly, the sound technician is an old friend and they have a nice atmosphere, just right for a Hendrix birthday party like this.

cu there!

Finished recording

1 week of putting the pedal to the metal behind us, playing, recording, singing from nine to five and laughing and talking trash intensively along the way. Got that record in the can!

But this was only stago two of no idea how many – we realised that there actually are stages just today. The first stage was composing and writing the lyrics for 12 songs, which we want to announce here not without a voice trembling of pride.

Anyway, next is mixing, mastering and whatever that stuff is called.


We think, that we stole created enough material to fill a full-length CD. Early August we hope to complete the recordings, which will be mixed, mastered and butchered during the rest of the rain period summer. That means that we approach near-completion of our CD with babysteps in seven-inch-boots at snail’s pace!

The hardest task to date was to find a proper title. But we managed that after lots of boozy nights: The CD will be named: “Fenzl Experience”. Duh!

Update: we plan to do a vinyl version too!

Summer Blues Festival

Ladies and Gentlemen,
diesen Samstag Blues-Feuerwerk in St. Plöten äh- Pölten
und die Fenzls mit dabei!

Das ganze in traumhafter Location am Ratzersdorfersee:


ein Ausflug der sich bestimmt lohnt :-)


Kolar Psi Straßenfest

Liebe Fänzls und Friendzls,

es warad wegen da Tschäriti.

Am nächsten Freitag, 15. Juni 2012 pünktlich um 18:30 (Obacht: Uhrzeit korrigiert!), spielen wir gratis, für alle sichtbar und für alle dies hören wollen oder müssen am Kolar Psi Straßenfest. Das Kolar Psi ist eine Zusammenarbeit der Kolar Restaurants mit einem Verein für Behindertenhilfe und vor allem nur einen Umfaller von unserem Proberaum entfernt, deswegen spielen wir dort immer wieder gerne.

Außerdem und überhaupt und last but not least gibts dort erstmals die Gelegenheit, das brandneue Fenzl Equipment 2.0 beta aus der Nähe zu betrachten (die Bühne hat nämlich die Höhe einer Teppichdicke).

Warum: Straßenfest
Wann: Freitag, 15. Juni 2012,  18:30
Eintritt: frei
Wo: Kolar Psi, Parhamerplatz 11, Wien, Österreich 1170

Yildürüm, we forgive you

On Sept 18 2009 we played on Yıldırım Fakılar‘s 1st International Jimi Hendrix Festival Vienna. This is an ambitioned small no-budget festival to celebrate Jimi Hendrix’ music and spirit on his day of death. Because we really like that (the party & the music, not the day of death) and Yıldırım seemed a nice guy, we agreed over a small compensation of a handful of €uros for the whole band.

After the gig though, Yıldırım came over and told us, that he had no more money left, because he had to spend it all for the foreign bands’ hotels and flights. But he promised to pay it as soon as possible.

We are still waiting for that.

In fact we were. Because we hereby abate Yıldırım all depts and forgive him not paying us as agreed upon. No problem bro! :-P The only thing you’ll have to face from now on, is this picture:

Thank you Eduardo

Our beloved friend, brother-in-law, Adele’s husband, father of Adele’s two daughters, trumpet player and last but not least great painter Eduardo Roca overdrew us. And rightly so!

That bad ass drew that nature-study completely from memory.

Eduardo Roca - Fenzl Experience

Nudge Edi's face to see the cartoon


Homepage Redesign

We overhauled the homepage a bit. Now there’s a big fat Fenzl logo on the frontpage, which is what we like most. Then we pimped the picture gallery, made a more idiot-proof navigation -  in our own interest – and dumped old crap, because it stank. Enjoy!

Schanigarten opening

UPDATE: Fenzl Frequenzl 33 canceled! Special Guest at the Fenzl Frequenzl 33: Michaela Fischer, an old friend of us, who outed herself as a killer singer over night and proceeded to give her debut at Die Große Chance in Austrian TV. Fortunately she didn’t stand a chance there, because the musicians just get milked there anyway.

ALERT: The concert will take place only, if the garden at the Blue Tomato isn’t open yet, which is usually rather improbable end of April. We will announce that shortly before. If not, then see you there in fall. UPDATE: Fenzl Frequenzl 33 canceled!

But what’s for sure is the next gig: the yearly opening of the Schanigarten at the Bierwaage, where it’s traditionally to cold to sit outdoors.

We’ve not decided yet  if we’re going to play at the great concert hall of the Bierwaage or in Pezl’s living room at No. 35.

But you’ll check that.